meet Heather


Heather Isler
Reiki Master

What is your body trying to tell you?  Do you long to wake up feeling refreshed? Do you dream of moving freely without pain? Would you welcome healing from a past experience? Can you imagine facing the stress of life with peacefulness? If we learn to listen carefully to our bodies and consistently respond in nourishing ways, we will connect to personal wellness. 

  • Science tells us that all beings and things are made of tiny particles of energy. In every moment, our personal energy is interacting with the energy of others. Reiki (ray-key) seeks to harmonize the interaction of this Universal Energy and improve personal energy flow. This ancient, gentle technique is deeply relaxing and treats the whole person: mind, body, emotions, and spirit. It is proven effective for managing stress and anxiety, relieving pain, healing past trauma, and creating a more positive outlook. Reiki is a safe complement to medical treatments and therapy strategies, helping to lessen side effects and promote healing.

  • Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle hands-on technique focused on the protective membranes and fluid around the brain and spinal cord. These membranes are part of the body’s extensive network of connective tissues, or fascia, that protect and allow interaction between our body systems. Using slow deliberate touch, CST encourages deep tissue release to reduce pain, relieve dysfunction and improve whole-body health. This complimentary treatment is safe and effective at any age, is believed to boost immunity and promotes a feeling of wellbeing. Craniosacral Therapy is particularly helpful for addressing lingering effects from old injuries, generalized or chronic pain, and side effects from medical treatments.

  • I first came to Reiki while looking for pain relief for my dear old dog, Buster. He was taking a variety of medicines, struggling with nerve pain and weakness and I was hoping to find a drug-free treatment option. I quickly related to the light touch technique and was amazed to watch his body stretch and relax right before my eyes. He seemed to rest deeply and walk a little easier after treatment. It didn’t take long for me to think, maybe I could use some Reiki? And, the inquisitive learner in me wanted to know more!

    Thankfully, I didn’t wait long to try Reiki for my own health concerns. I experienced migraine and scoliosis related pain since childhood and had signs of developing arthritis but was generally very healthy when I suffered an accident that caused traumatic brain injury. It is impossible to write thoroughly about the experience of TBI; every brain is unique, each body responds differently, and accepting a new way of being is a personal experience. Treating TBI requires an integrated approach to address physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. My own recovery taught me the imperative of nurturing the mind/body connection. Reiki and Craniosacral Therapy helped me find deep healing and personal connection. It is always possible to feel better and to enjoy more happiness. I hope you choose to nurture yourself today!

To schedule an appointment, please text or email and include your preference for days and times. 

One hour sessions cost $65 and comfortable clothes are recommended. | (614) 286-5694