meet mcKenna


McKenna, LMT CCT (Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Cupping Therapist)

Pronouns: They/Them

Here at Unravel Massage in Columbus, OH, we believe long-term restoration and growth stems from the client. Every massage session should be as unique as you, not predetermined by a pressure or modality based pricing scale. Our Licensed Massage Therapist and Certified Cupping Therapist McKenna facilitates healing by integrating multiple massage and cupping modalities, as well as comfortably teaming up with patient’s holistic care teams, chiropractors, physical therapists, and doctors to promote optimal health. Their mission is to facilitate our client’s restoration from past and present stress and trauma by integrating modalities and working in tandem with conventional and holistic medicinal resources. Experience the results of multimodal massage by booking online now with McKenna, LMT CCT.

Currently only accepting new afternoon patients, commonly starting at 12:15pm, 12:45pm, 2:45pm, and 3:15pm.

Evening slots, such as 5:15pm, are exclusively held for already established patients at this time.

MASKS ARE REQUIRED for patient and practitioner unless proof of a negative rapid-result or PCR test is provided day-of. The Well Within Collective and Unravel Massage are separate entities, so we can only maintain and guarantee our masking and risk-reduction policies within Unravel Massage’s studio of the Collective. Massage appointments made within a week of higher risk exposures, such as large gatherings or traveling through an airport, must be rescheduled to a lower-risk time (more than a week from potential exposure). Please cancel or reschedule your appointment at least 48 hours before to avoid a late cancellation fee.

Further questions? Please text or call 614-360-9750

GIFT CERTIFICATES available thru the gift cards tab on the Unravel Massage Vagaro Online Booking Page. Instructions How